Here's a look at Week One's last work day.
The drywall is coming along nicely.
No week is complete without a couple of injuries. One courtesy of a t-square and utility knife and the other tripping over something.
Doesn't the white trim look great against the dark walls?
Back on the roof. After much contemplation and designing, the boys decided they could fix the even steeper roof of the sanctuary at St Luke's church.
Ron & Betty DuFor invited our group to their home Friday night for gumbo. They do this as a way to pay back and thank volunteers for the work they are coming to do in the city.
I did not trip. My knee gave out. Jeez, trying to make me look as if I am a klutz? Lol.
PS, I want everyone to know I am praying for them. (: I love you all. Have a safe and exciting week! Keep Jesus at the center of it all. :D
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