Sunday, December 27, 2009

Safe & Sound

Two groups of our team have arrived in New Orleans safe and sound. The first six of us mid-afternoon yesterday and another five at 10pm last night. The other two car loads will be here today. They made it through the ice and snow in Illinois but stayed in northern Mississippi last night.

The temps are a little cooler than we’ve experienced in the past; 50’s during the day and 30’s at night. We’re happy as at least there’s no white stuff on the ground.

Last night we had supper at the Parkway Bakery and breakfast this morning is at the Panola Café, then off to church. Honestly, we do other things than eat!

We’re anxious for our other team members to arrive this afternoon and get started on our projects in the morning.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Praise God for your safe arrival. Have a wonderful first week.