Tuesday, February 26, 2013

On Sunday, we joined Hackleburg Community Church for service. Pastor Clint delivered an inspiring message and challenged us to "speak to the mountain". What is the "mountain" in your life? Don't just "speak" about it. We can sit all day and talk about things. We talk about our problems instead of talking to IT. What are you going to do to change things? Speak to it! "Pain, go away!I will not let you take control of my life! Pain, you will not keep me from serving my Lord! Your "mountain" could be pain, debt or broken relations, whatever it is, speak to it. You need to lay hands on yourself first. We need to declare our mountains. We need to be mature. Immature people find the negative in things. Some people go around being negative, "oh, poor me", "do you know how horrible things are for me?" But, spiritual people, are positive! They see the goal, they trust in Christ to be their authority!  Thank you, Pastor Clint for a great message.

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